Rob was introduced to the discipline of coaching in 2015. He quickly found it to be a great way to help people and their organizations grow. He saw that people’s lives were changed for the better by engaging in skilled coaching; they consistently reported enhanced effectiveness, satisfaction and meaning.
Over the past nine years, Rob has coached dozens of clients and trained more than 50 leaders in coaching fundamentals for use in all areas of their lives. Rob received his certification from the International Coaching Federation in 2022.
Prior to retiring in 2024, Rob had a successful 24-year career as an Episcopal priest. Before that, for ten years, he was an Account Executive for two advertising and public relations firms in Eugene and Portland, Oregon. He attended the Episcopal Church’s seminary in Berkeley CA; he and his wife Karla moved to nearby Oakland in 2000. They lived there for 14 years prior to their relocation to New Jersey where Rob was lead organizational developer for the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey. Today, they live and work out of their home offices in Nice, one of the beautiful cities in the south of France.
Rob, known for professional innovation and his commitment to developing people, also has a lifelong commitment to artmaking. In college (the College of Charleston, SC) he studied with British artist Michael Tyzack, printmaker Leo Manske and Southern painter William Halsey. Through multiple careers, Rob maintained a robust practice of painting, drawing, sculpture, and printmaking. For the past three years, he has studied painting with Robert Waddington, a Philadelphia-area artist and leader of the photorealist school of painting. He now divides his time between painting, apparel design, creativity coaching and enjoying the south of France.